CVG-17, CVBG-17, CVBG-5  
1. January 1943 CVG-17 established
CV-17 USS Bunker Hill
15. Juy 1943 - 10. August 1943
Caribbean Shakedown
VF-17 F4U-1 17-F-0
VB-17 SB2C-3 17-B-0
VT-17 TBF-1 17-T-0



VF-17-01.png (69340 Byte) Curtiss VB-17 01.png (91073 Byte) VT-17
last update 3. January 2007
CV-17 USS Bunker Hill
10. September 1943 - 2. October 1943
Trip To Pearl
VF-17 F4U-1 17-F-0
VB-17 SB2C-3 17-B-0
VT-17 TBF-1 17-T-0



VF-17-02.png (72641 Byte) Curtiss VB-17 03.png (92221 Byte) VT-17
last update 3. January 2007
CV-17 USS Bunker Hill
11. November 1943 - 6. March 1944
West Pacific (Tarawa, Truk, Hollandia)
VF-18 F6F-5 18-F-0
VF(N)-76 Det. A F6F-3N 18-F-0
VB-17 SB2C-3 17-B-0
VT-17 TBF-1C 17-T-0



VT-18 VF(N)-76 Curtiss VB-17 04.png (93196 Byte)



last update 20. November 2007
CV-12 USS Hornet
2. February 1945 - 8. July 1945
West Pacific (Japan, Bonis, Ryukyus)
VF-17 F6F-5, F6F-3P 18-F-0
VBF-17 F6F-5 18-F-0
VB-17 SB2C-4 17-B-0
VT-17 TBM-3 17-T-0



Curtiss VB-17 05.png (95405 Byte)



  last update 20. November 2007
22. January 1946 CVG-17 redesignated CVBG-17









VB-17 NAS 



VT-17 NAS Brunswick MA









Curtiss VT-17 01.png (92749 Byte)    
  last update 20. November 2007
15. November 1946 CVBG-17 redesignated CVBG-5
CV-45 USS Valley Forge
24. January 1947 - 18. March 1947
South Atlantic Shakedown
VF-5B F4U-4 / F6F-5P C 100
VF-6B F4U-4 / F6F-5P C 200
VA-5B SB2C-4 C 300
VA-6B SB2C-4 C 400



VF-6B Curtiss VA-5B.png (92932 Byte)



last update 20. November 2007
CVB-43 USS Coral Sea
19. January 1948 - 5. April 1948
Caribbean Shakedown
VF-5B F8F-2 / F6F-5P C 100
VF-6B F8F-2 / F6F-5P C 200
VA-5B AD-1 C 300
VA-6B AD-1 C 400






last update 20. August 2020
1. September 1948 CVBG-5 redesignated CVG-6

For the History of the Carrier Air Group 6 after 1948 click here



last update 27. February 2013

written  1. January 2007


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