782 Naval Air Squadron  



23. October 1939 782 NAS formed at RNAS Ford
10. November 1939 782 NAS disbanded at RNAS Ford
1. December 1940 782 NAS reformed at RNAS Donibristle
9. October 1953 782 NAS disbanded at RNAS Yeovilton



19?? - 19??
Dominie C.1



19?? - 19??
Firefly T.2



19?? - 19??
Expeditor C.2
782 Sqn. Commanding Officers 


- Has anyone more Informations about this Squadron -



last update 20. April 2021

written 1. March 2011


- Corrections, additions and remarks please send to the Web master Michael E. Fader -
- If information from this site is used as source material please credit www.wings-aviation.ch  -
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